The prostate gland is the most vulnerable organ in the male body. Prostate disease to meet all third year men for 20 years. Hypertrophy of the prostate gland, and adenoma, leading to problems with erection are often the result of chronic inflammation of the prostate. Therefore, you should know that the typical symptoms of chronic prostatitis, how to treat.

Chronic prostatitis — what is it?
Chronic prostatitis long of the prostate inflammatory process. The term combines elements of several forms of the disease, manifested by similar clinical symptoms.
Categories of chronic prostatitis:
- Infectious — caused by bacteria, fungus or virus;
- It's not contagious (stagnant), also known as chronic pelvic pain syndrome the signs of inflammation, with or without;
- Asymptomatic — in the absence of clinical symptoms, inflammation detected only a thorough examination of the prostate.
The 95% of the cases diagnosed, it's not contagious chronic inflammation of the prostate. This plan is the development of the inflammation of the stagnant phenomena in the prostate, the secret, or the blood flow in the veins.
The disease risk is increased in chronic inflammation of the prostate people:
- leading irregular sexual life, regularly practicing interrupted intercourse to prevent pregnancy with the partner;
- office workers, drivers (sedentary work provokes the stagnation of the blood, pool);
- rather, the tight underwear;
- abuse of alcohol and Smoking.
Chronic prostatitis: signs
Chronic prostatitis develops gradually, years concern. Regularly a man can celebrate:
- Discomfort in the area of the dam;
- Minimum pain intensity for a typical radiation to the sacrum, the rectum, the genitals;
- Some of the frequent urination the incidence, pain, mild abnormal discharge of the urethra channel, a weak urine stream;
- Pain in the glans of the penis after ejaculation (missing 30 min.);
- Burning in the urethra, the occurrence of pain during intercourse.
Stress, hypothermia, previous infection, which weakens the immune system, as well as eating spicy foods/alcohol can cause exacerbation of chronic inflammation of the prostate. The intensity of the disease increased similar to acute inflammation.
The development of the disease, the involvement in the pathological process of the nerves to increase the erectile dysfunction, which significantly affects the psychological state of the patient.
However, chronic prostatitis can lead not only to the violation of potency — weak erection, lower sensation during orgasm in, or total lack of premature ejaculation.

Often the disease leads to the development of cystitis, pyelonephritis, inflammation of the testes, aggravating the underlying pathology. In addition, it significantly increases the stone formation in the prostatic adenoma, or the appearance of malignancy. In the long chronic prostatitis develops infertility.
The symptoms of chronic prostatitis according to forms and stages
Chronic prostatitis symptoms depend on the form of the disease, the stage of the disease (exacerbation or remission).
Chronic bacterial prostatitis
Sign of chronic prostate inflammation is caused by pathogenic microflora, may be regularly changing intensity. During acute inflammation symptoms were most pronounced. Infectious, chronic flow prostate manifested:
- Common signs of inflammation in the body, fever, weakness, chills, muscle pain (may occur during exacerbation);
- syndrome local inflammation, — pain in the abdomen, aggravated sexual act, after defecation, urination, prolonged lack of intimacy;
- Disorders of the genitourinary system — intermittent urination, decreased erectile ability;
- The laboratory abnormalities detected in the prostate secretion, urine test-bacteria/fungi, signs of inflammation in the blood (leukocytosis, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate) and urine (leukocyturia, protein).
The inflammation symptoms of chronic inflammation of the prostate to clear. Patient complaints show that there are decreased urination, decreased sexual desire, as well as other erectile dysfunction, which is a pronounced nervousness.
The non-infectious chronic prostatitis: chronic pelvic pain syndrome
The name itself shows rule for this type of chronic prostatitis symptom — pain. The low intensity of the pain, chronic prostatitis non-infectious nature often ignored.
Over time, the pain increasing slightly, but the clinical picture, the symptoms of sexual dysfunction caused by the progression of the stagnation and decline in muscle tone of the pelvic floor, urinary sphincter.
Often the disease is completely asymptomatic. The diagnosis of chronic prostatitis is the recognition of signs of prostatitis, enlarged during diagnostic tests. The urine samples at regular intervals a fixed leukocyturia.
Methods of treatment of chronic prostatitis
In all cases, the treatment of chronic prostatitis requires individual selection of therapeutic systems. This takes into account the cause of disease (infection, stagnation of the secretions and of the venous blood), duration of flow, or aggravating the pathology.
Drug therapy:

- Antibiotics — antibiotic treatment is indicated only in cases of severe inflammation, the identification of the bacterial agent in the urine or prostate secretion. Antibiotic therapy continues for 2-8 weeks. Upon completion of the course, the symptoms often remain unchanged, although the infectious factor has been completely eliminated.
- Alpha - blockers prescribed for high blood pressure, hypertonicity of the bladder muscles. The application has no effect on the violation of the innervation of the muscles and diseases of the pelvic floor.
- Symptomatic treatment chronic prostatitis — for relief of pain drugs used nsaids, often in the tablets, to eliminate the anxiety, we suggest that the selective antidepressants. Hormonal therapy — treatment with androgens is performed in accordance with variations in the hormonal levels.
- Excipients — appointed only if he proves that the laboratory testing, with immune deficiency.
- It means that the regulator, the level of uric acid — only useful in the detection of stones in the prostate.
- Vitamin therapy, that means that the choice of the treatment of chronic prostatitis become available vitamin-mineral complexes. Exchange for them, the advertised diet Supplements, will not bring healing results, in addition to wasting your money.
Surgical treatment of prostate
Depending on the pathological process of chronic inflammation of the prostate, apply a transurethral resection of the prostate (often replace open surgery), endoscopic drainage of formed cysts of the prostate surgical correction of the defining blisters to violations of the outflow of the secretion.
Advanced sclerosis of the prostatectomy. Hypertrophy of the prostate gland effective ablative methods, microwave thermotherapy, laser ablation.
Other treatments of chronic prostatitis
Some doctors actively prescribe to the patients, chronic prostatitis various methods of physical effects on the prostate. However, most of them are a number of contraindications you are assigned only in certain cases:
- Prostate massage (available only a small part of the gland), when hyperplastic changes in the body can provoke acute urinary retention, and contribute to the spread of the inflammatory process (until the development of sepsis). Also massage can be carried out for the stones, cysts of the prostate, severe venous stasis. Edition prostate stagnant secret of the best methods, if a natural ejaculation.
- Exercises for the bladder — specific exercises to lengthen the intervals between urination to 4-5 hours is effective for violations of a muscular tone of the bladder, and the sphincter. This efficiency, however, significantly reduced the specific syndrome.
- Inspiration — a deep infusion of drugs into the urethra, very painful, full of complications.
- Electrical stimulation, ultrasound, phonophoresis, magnetic therapy, other methods of muscle stimulation suitable for use only in the case of decreased muscle tone of the pelvic floor. The physiotherapy, that a temporary or lasting effect can be achieved to eliminate the disease cause.
- The traditional methods — home recipes (pumpkin with honey, alcohol tincture of aspen bark, etc.) to apply, only the approval of the treating physician, but does not replace the drug therapy.
Forecast: it is possible to cure chronic prostatitis?
The prognosis of chronic prostate inflammation depends on the timely treatment of the patient for skilled care. As you can see, the symptoms, the treatment of chronic prostatitis in men is closely related — in the absence of hyperplastic changes in the gland, degeneration, provided that a comprehensive treatment, it is possible to achieve lasting improvement.

This is important if you radically rethink your life: don't provoke congestion factors, get rid of the harmful habits and proper nutrition.